Over the years I’ve heard many of my clients tell me, “I tried to decorate this space multiple times!” and then they say the process left them feeling disappointed and frustrated. [bctt tweet=”Why do some decorating projects fall flat? It’s a common question and it’s not your fault! Often, the biggest hurdle is simply not knowing what to do first!” username=”restyleinterior”]

Color palette
Well, my friends, I’m going behind the scenes today sharing some tips to help get you excited and motivated about decorating your room. Before I reveal the answer to what you should do first, let me just say that dreaming about your new room in conceptual form is really helpful in getting started on the right track.
Some of the details to think of when you are “dreaming” about your new room include:
How do I want the space to feel?
What is going to be in the space? ex. t.v.
Where the biggest furniture piece will go?
How much natural light is there?
Now that you have thought about the new space, it’s time for what you should do first!
It’s not buying new furniture or ordering window coverings –
The first thing to do is pull your color palette together. Yes, you want to plan out the color scheme for the room first. Once you have a color scheme you will feel much more confident when making all your other selections. One tip that works well in this process is to see if you have a favorite area rug that you really want to use. If so, you will pull the room’s color scheme directly from this rug. In some cases, the room you are decorating may already be painted. If so, that paint color becomes the “jumping off” point for your new color scheme. Likewise with flooring. Here’s a tip about existing flooring. If you are not excited with the color, but need to keep it, consider a large area rug to cover most of the surface. This technique works well with square shaped rooms. Another tip when picking the size of your rug. Most carpet retailers will cut and bind any wall-to-wall carpet to your specific size requirements. If you need an extra large area rug, this option is really helpful.
So, what room are you thinking about decorating? Use these helpful hints with your next project and get excited about your new design!
Want my professional help? You can contact me here.
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