Okay, not to call anyone out on this seemingly minor detail, but, how much attention do you give to selecting the correct size and shape basket or pot for your indoor plants?
Before we address this dilemma, I will back up a bit to say, when decorating a space, greenery is one of the last but certainly not the least detail to finish off a room. [bctt tweet=”Plants add a bit of nature and texture and help make the design come alive” username=”@restyleinterior”] instead of looking sterile. Ideally I suggest you use live plants, but of course it’s just not always practical depending on the color of your thumb – ha! ha!
One of the biggest decorating mistakes is to leave your plant in the basic pot that it comes with! These photos really emphasize this detail –

with basket

without basket
This basket ties in with the room decor, gives the tree scale and balance, and provides the visual weight so this plant looks more realistic. It also provides a screen for the up light that adds drama and dimension to the corner of the room.
So, remember that container when decorating with indoor plants whether artificial or real! If you’re bringing some greenery into your space or want to embellish what you have now, you’ll find this fiddle leaf fig tree at my Specialty Shop along with other home decor and accessories.
Here’s to your next inspired design!
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